Children Ministry
If you ever wanted your children to be established in sound doctrine by loving and anointed teachers who know in their heart of hearts, God has assigned them to minister His word with talent and creativity, then KBCC Children’s Ministry is that place. Various methods of teaching are used (i.e. stories, puppets, costumed characters, drama, etc…). Children find learning about the Word and ways of God a joy and they experience an environment that is safe and fun. The spiritual bread (God’s Word) is broken into small pieces in order for them to digest it well and grow thereby. The goal is to prepare an army of children who will carry the gospel throughout the world.
Nursery I Age 6 -24 months
Nursery II Age 3 -4 years old
Children’s Church Age 5 -6 years old
Children’s Church Age 7 -10 years old