Drama Ministry
This ministry consists of those mature believers who sense a call to worship God in illustrative and dramatic expressions. They take the Word of God and place it in the context of drama to proclaim a message that leads to salvation of sinners and edification of believers. They go through a period of auditions and training in order to present excellence in the Kingdom of God.
Music Ministry
Kingdom United Vessels of Worship: This is a ministry that flows in harmony and prophetic inspiration of song and celebrations unto the Lord. They lead the saints of God before the glory and presence of the Lord through anointed music and songs. They follow the anointing of the Holy Spirit as they speak forth and sing forth the praises of our triumphant King and Redeemer.
The instrumentalist plays under the power and prophetic inspiration of the Holy Spirit, creating a sound that brings joy, rejoicing, healing and deliverance by the Power of God.
Dance Ministry
Team Royalty (I Pet. 2:9): This dance ministry consists of teens and young adults who are committed to expressing honor and glory unto the Lord through dance. They are not performers, but prophetic gifts to the Body of Christ to charge the atmosphere with a Spirit of Praise and Worship for our Lord Jesus Christ that brings edification, encouragement and healing through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.